Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Spring!

Happy spring everyone!

The weather here in Michigan has been fantastic, with today and tomorrow topping out at 80 degrees!  I have a huge and scary term paper due tomorrow and fully plan on spending the rest of the day outside after I turn it in.  If this is truly global warming, I feel sorry for a soon-to-be sinking Florida, but the weather here in Michigan keeps getting better (this is sarcasm, not to offend anyone.  I love Florida and would hate to see it go!)

I celebrated the beginning of warmth this weekend with St. Pattys Day!  Lots of time with friends and good ol' green beer made the day remarkable!  

What did you guys do for the Irish holiday?  What are your plans for this warm weather?

Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring Break!

This week was a whirlwind of fun, craziness, and (memory) haziness!  Essentially, it was everything a spring break should be.  A few of my roommates and I drove the 16 hours down to Panama City Beach, Florida and spent eight days there.  The few days were foggy, windy, and cold, but considering 60 degrees was still warmer than the 20 we came from, no one really complained.  By day three, the sun came out and temperatures neared 80 for the rest of the trip.  The girls and I spent the majority of day three laying out on the beach and ended the day with horrible sunburns.  Lucky for me, my sunburn has yet to peel and I'm feeling refreshed, tan, and fabulous :)

Do any of you have awesome plans for spring break?  I can't wait to hear stories!!